Corporate renewable energy White Paper released

PEP has released a corporate renewable energy White Paper looking at how large corporates can turn their net zero ambitions into reality for long-term energy security, cost control and business certainty.

The full White Paper can be downloaded through the form below

Few would argue about the overriding need for organisations to move to low-carbon energy sources to meet their decarbonisation goals and net zero targets.
Companies are also looking for ways to be largely immune from rising and volatile global energy markets, and to provide a more secure and low-carbon future for employees, shareholders, suppliers and community organisations. The answer for many lies in Corporate Renewable Energy Ownership (CREO).

Fig. 1. CREO costs are low and predictable

Balancing the challenges and benefits of corporate renewable energy ownership calls for a structured yet flexible approach to implement the appropriate strategy in a pragmatic, efficient way.
This paper from corporate low-carbon energy specialist, PEP, highlights the key benefits and offers a proven pathway to securing low-cost clean energy for the long term.
PEP Corporate Renewable Energy White Paper Download